Enterprise risk management

The risk landscape for Danish companies is constantly changing. Companies are affected by financial, environmental, political, or social factors. Turmoil and events in Denmark and the world, changes in EU cooperation, and the increasing digital opportunities can abruptly change markets and business models, just as cybercrime and the increasing demands for data protection challenge companies. Companies also experience internal risks, for example, when launching new products, entering new markets, or other conditions that can challenge stable operations.

Companies must navigate this risk landscape. It is becoming more difficult to be well-prepared for all possible situations, but companies that understand how to manage their risks are much better equipped to survive changes and gain market share in an increasingly volatile and complex world.

Improving the Basis for Strategic Decisions – Effective risk management provides management with timely information about risks, enabling them to make strategic decisions on a well-founded basis.

Realizing Opportunities – Risk management not only identifies potential undesirable events but also opportunities that the company can choose to act on.

Early Warning – Risk management enables the company to identify possible undesirable events so that effective actions can be initiated in a timely manner to reduce or eliminate the risk.

Overview and Transparency – Strategic risk management enables companies to identify connections between risks across the organization and how they affect each other, allowing efforts to be planned accordingly.

Alignment of Risk Tolerance – A risk management function clarifies top management’s risk tolerance and incorporates it into the rest of the organization’s decision-making processes.

Risikostyring er værdifuld

Risk Management is Valuable

At BDO, we have extensive experience in providing advice and assistance regarding Enterprise Risk Management. Through an overall risk assessment, we create a comprehensive risk picture that gives the public authority or private company insight into events that could have significant negative strategic or economic consequences. The most significant risks are prioritized, and our advisors provide risk-reducing and value-creating solutions based on a practical approach, documented in an action plan. The advisors also help organize a risk management process with roles and responsibilities, tools for monitoring, and reporting of risks and incidents.

Get in touch

Mikkel Jon Larssen, BDO

Mikkel Jon Larssen

Partner, Lead of Risk Assurance
View bio

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